the pictures i posted are: from the training center at lunch time, some are of the training center, one is of my school in the CBT site, beach ones are from my birthday at the beach with fellow trainees, there is one of a kid with her two front teeth missing or growing back in, my dad thought it would be a really funny picture haha.
There is one of my teacher or LCF samba kande, he is awesome. he has a great sense of humor, but he doesnt laugh and joke as much as almost all the other lcfs. Example would be when he's teaching us Pulaar Fulakunda, the language we've been given, he would explain how to use the word is by saying in pulaar "For example, ablai is a player, for example, today only". my response of course in pulaar is "no samba, i disagree, you are a thief, every day, I am the sky, I am a big tree, i am the sun"
I have to say that it takes a lot of confidence to learn a new language by jumping right in like we all have. I'm not being overconfident or egotistical when i tell my teacher i'm the sun, i'm just joking. In Senegalese culture, joking, making fun of others, calling people horses and chickens is like THE thing to do.
Okay im gonna go get my money from the admin office, 28,000 CFA or around 60 bucks for the next two weeks. its like a million dollars. Then directly after that we get blindfolded and placed on the area theyve decided for us! the decision is not random (jude lol) its made considering my language skills, my sex, that im a health volunteer, that im a water and sanitation volunteer, and on an interview we did in the beginning where we told a bunch of current pcvs who we are and what we'd like to do/where we'd like to go.
Keep the pictures coming. We can't wait to hear all about your adventures, hope that you have electricity in Kolda. As always stay safe.
Mom,Dad and Sparky